Middleton Electric Light Dept. News
The Middleton Electric Light Dept. is always working in our ratepayers' best interests. Here are some of our latest projects, initiatives, partnerships and announcements.
(April 23, 2024) Middleton Electric Light Department has been recognized by the American Public Power Association for excellence in uptime and reliability. MELD has significantly exceeded the 5-year average for all U.S. electric utilities for service reliability and uptime. Thank you for your support and for being a customer! MELD Management, Office Staff, Linemen, and Light Board members appreciate you.
Rate Gives MELD Customers a New Option!

(February 21, 2023) MELD continues to pursue our plan to meet Municipal Lighting Plant Greenhouse Gas Emission Standard (MLP-GGES) goals and offer our customers sustainable solutions. Our new Renewable Energy Choice rate offers all MELD customers the opportunity to have 100% of your electricity come from renewable energy sources! Learn more about this program.
National Lineman Appreciation Day 2022

Monday, April 18th was National Lineman Appreciation Day. Everyone at Middleton Electric Light Department — our Management, Board of Light Commissioners, and Staff express our appreciation for the 24/7, in-all-weather service of MELD's Linemen. We're proud of and appreciate you!
The 113th Congress passed a bill designating every April 18th as National Lineman Appreciation Day in 2013 (after 2012's Hurricane Sandy). Read about the observance, watch videos — and remember to thank a MELD line crew member every April 18th!
MELD Observed National Drive Electric Week: Sept. 25-Oct. 3, 2021

MELD threw the spotlight on Carbon Reduction and Massachusetts’ Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission reduction during National Drive Electric Week from Sept. 25th-Oct. 3rd.
National Drive Electric Week is an annual countrywide celebration to raise awareness of the many benefits of All-Electric and Plug-in Hybrid Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles, and more. Customers could go to Drive Electric Events nearby—an opportunity to participate in an in-person or online event to learn from happy EV owners.

Middleton Electric Light Department Reopens Our Offices to The Public
(June 1, 2021) MELD General Manager, Michael Cloutier and the MELD Light Board are happy to announce that, per Governor Baker's orders, we have reopened MELD Offices to public access effective June 1, 2021.
On May 29, Governor Charlie Baker joined Lt. Governor Karyn Polito, Secretary of Housing and Economic Development Mike Kennealy and Secretary of Health and Human Services Marylou Sudders to sign an Executive Order terminating the Commonwealth’s State of Emergency effective June 15, 2021. The Order also rescinds most COVID-19 restrictions, including limitations placed on businesses, as of May 29, as Massachusetts neared the goal of vaccinating four million residents. Last week, the Commonwealth passed the 3.5 million mark for fully vaccinated residents.
MELD thanks all our customers for working with us through the very challenging year of the pandemic.
(March 2021) Michael Cloutier, MELD Manager & The MELD Light Board want to express their deep appreciate for, and salute our hardworking crew during this past year's COVID-19 outbreak. Thank you to all for your tireless work on behalf of Middleton's electric customers!
—Michael Cloutier, MELD Manager & The MELD Light Board

MELD Recognized by The American Public Power Association (APPA) for Valuable Hurricane Assistance
(September 2020) We were awarded a National Commendation from the American Public Power Association for our efforts to restore power in Wallingford, Connecticut, after Hurricane Isaias in August 2020. Read the story from The Salem News.

Middleton Electric Light Department joins 20 public power entities from Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Vermont In the largest municipal electric department purchase of clean, renewable power in New England history
Thanks to the MELD General Manager and Commissioners (pictured with flag flown over Omaha Beach), Middleton Electric Light Department became greener today with a record clean energy purchase power agreement from First Light Power Hydro facility. Middleton Electric Light Department joins 20 other public power entities from Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

MELD has interconnected a 3 Mw / 6.6 Mwh battery that stores generated solar power to maximize the environmental benefits of the solar array
The battery is filled during the day with solar power. It can then be strategically released later when demand and prices are higher. This peak shaving scenario reduces the stress on the regional electrical system. During these peak times, more generators are called into service to meet the higher load. By dispatching the battery, we can reduce the amount of energy needed by those plants, thereby reducing additional pollution.

Middleton Electric Light Department solar project receives a national award from the Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA)
The Middleton solar project received a national award from the Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA) in 2019. SEPA recognized us as having installed the sixth most solar power per customer (1,358.9 w/customer) in the entire United States during 2018 when the array was commissioned. Since then, MELD has interconnected a 3 Mw / 6.6 Mwh battery that harnesses the solar power to dispatch it more efficiently in order to curtail power plant emissions.

Middleton Drives Electric!
A plug-in electric car now offers excellent performance and efficiency at an increasingly affordable cost. Middleton Drives Electric is an outreach program to inform the electric utility customer about the savings and benefits that come from choosing an electric car and charging it at home overnight. Learn about the Savings and Benefits that can come from choosing an Electric Car and Charging it at Home Overnight with this New Program!

Middleton Electric Light Department has Partnered with Energy New England to Save Customers Energy and Money
Energy Efficiency just became more affordable for Middleton Electric Light Department customers with new and generous rebates and incentives. Explore the 3 great opportunities below. ENE provides comprehensive conservation services to municipal utility residential customers. Their highly-trained and experienced staff can offer you expert advice and energy savings recommendations.