MELD's History

Providing Quality Electric Power to Middleton, MA
For over a century, Middleton Electric Light Dept. has been providing dependable electrical power to the residents, businesses and institutions of our town. Because we belong to the people we serve, the community’s goals and ours are the same: low rates, dependable service and people you know.
The Early Years
The Middleton Municipal Light Department was organized on August 15, 1918 from the Middleton Electric Company.
The state authorized communities to form a Light Department or choose to receive power from New England Power.
Middleton opted to form their own Light Department. The Legislature authorized the Light Department to be a separate department within the town having the Selectmen Appoint a Board to manage their operation and funding, with 5 commissioners voted to their positions.
The 1950s to The New Millennium
Through much of the 20th century, MELD bought its power from New England Power and was charged a certain volume rate. When Middleton's consumption went up, MELD had to build new substations.
When the Massachusetts Institute of Technology came to town, it doubled the town's use of electricity. For awhile, MIT agreed to confine accelerator use between certain periods of dark to dawn, but later found they couldn't contain the volume. MIT now has their own separate substation.
Headquarters for the Light Department moved into Memorial Hall in 1937, when it was converted from the old Centre School. Since 1986, MELD has been in a modern facility on Route 114 North.
100 Years
Thanks to the foresight of Middleton's early citizens and the support of The Commonwealth, our town still enjoys the benefits of our own municipal electric utility. We celebrated our 100th Anniversary in 2012.
Because the people of Middleton, not out-of-town stockholders, own MELD—all benefits from our electric utility flow back to our customers in the form of lower rates, better service and other local advantages.
Unlike large, private utilities, we have no outside investors to satisfy, so our local customers in Middleton are always first priority.
Five local citizens, elected by Middleton voters, serve on our Light Commission. Commissioners set utility policy and oversee operations through MELD's Manager, Michael Cloutier.
Decisions are guided by the traditional municipal utility values of outstanding community service and low, competitive rates.